Sissy in Belgrade pt 1
I quickly scanned the packing list in my hand one more time, visually checking off all the items one last time. Yes, this was probably the 10th time I checked, but I wanted to be absolutely sure I had everything I would need for this trip. Too much planning had gone into it for it to be ruined by a missing pair of underwear or the wrong clothes combination. Outfits - check, all correctly paired up and ready to go. I looked again at the pleated tartan skirt, it was very short, perhaps too short? Within moments I shrugged thinking of the thrill it would be to wear it out in public. Underwear - check, all 7 sets complete with new stockings to be safe, including spare sets. I especially liked the emerald green set that was relatively new, complete with suspender belt that I knew would be appreciated. Make up - check, that bag was getting bigger by the week. I opened it to check that the new fake eye lash kits I bought last week were in there. Toys, oh yes...