Introducing me and the blog.

Hello all,

Hopefully you find this well. This is the start of my journey, the first post if you like (its not the first chronologically on this blog but it's the starting post).

If you are reading this then most likely you already know my secret and have seen a couple of images already, if you haven't then here it is. My name is alice and i am a sissy. Here, I will prove it.

Have i always been a sissy? Yes and No. I was a standard, wouldn't notice in the street, male for half my life but always underneath something didn't fit, and I'm not talking the boy underpants ;).

No, for as long as I can remember i have been fascinated by control, by bondage, by chastity and by cross dressing. Of course I didn't even know at first what it was - when I grew up the internet was barely working and if you searched for porn you more likely got your IBM 486 PC infected with a virus than anything else.

*I can still remember the panic as i grew up when i realised my parents PC had that and pop ups of naked women would randomly appear on internet explorer. Thankfully I successfully blamed my older brother and bingo - off the hook!*

Anyway i digress - where was i? Ah yes, what am i? Well I know now, and maybe over this blog you will come along and join me as i explain how I got here as well. I am a sissy, plain and simple. I dress exclusively in female underwear, i wear female clothes where ever possible, i use female toiletries.

I am more than a sissy, i am a chaste sissy. My male genitalia , or my clitty as i have to call it (more on why in later posts) is always locked in a chastity device, and the keys secured in a lock box. The code is stored in an app and only once a week, with a time limit of 5 minutes that has to be video recorded, do I get that code to clean, re lock and submit a new code without seeing it. More on that later as well, as it was this hygiene cleaning video that changed my world for the better September 2024...

Now back to being a sissy, and the term sissy is supposed to be derogatory, a slur used to shame. The oracle that is Wikipedia defines it as:

Sissy (derived from sister), also sissy baby, sissy boy, sissy man, sissy pants, etc., is a pejorative term for a boy or man who does not demonstrate masculine traits, and shows possible signs of fragility. Generally, sissy implies a lack of courage, strength, athleticism, coordination, testosterone, male libido, and stoicism.


A man might also be considered a sissy for being interested in typically feminine hobbies or employment (e.g., being fond of fashion), displaying effeminate behavior (e.g., using hair products, hydrating products, or displaying limp wrists), being unathletic or being homosexual.[1]

Now I don't think of it like that. Maybe I am a bit of an enigma in that sense. If Daddy or Mistress calls me sissy i know they don't mean it to offend. Humiliate slightly yes, but even then I think the humiliation side has almost gone for me. It's simply who i am.

I also know that cross dressers / sissy's etc can have a bad name with some for mocking females - some think we are being derogatory ourselves by "dressing up" as women and making less of ourselves. As if by doing this we are mocking female kind for being lesser - but trust me it’s not like that at all. Well not for me, that is not my intention. For me imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I honour the beauty of females by trying to become a fraction of what they are. Do i look as good? Pfft - not a snowballs chance in hell.

A woman in sexy black lace lingerie is always going to out do me - but i can but try. Anyway, enough ramblings for now for a simple introduction post. I want to take you all back to the very start. The stirrings of my need to be controlled, my first experience with a goddess, and my journey to where I am now. Sat in a cute frilly pink tutu and pink tank top at my PC writing to you.

Kisses to all


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