Pepperoni Pizza

Continues from:  Oh Mandy, be still my heart

Disclaimer:  All images are AI generated and any similarity to real life people is purely coincidental.

Right, back to it now.  I hope you all enjoyed that commercial break to learn about the Amazing Mistress Andrea (READ HER BLOG!) and my girl crush.  Girl crushes is a good place to pick up here actually....

Mid 2000's

With University ended I headed back home, unsure really what to do with myself.  I had a good degree in engineering, but no real clue as to who I wanted to be.  I was also totally confused when it came to sexuality, and back then the internet was not what it was today so i had no clue of the terms femdom, female domination, even D/s. 

I found work covering someone on maternity leave in an engineering team at a large pharma company and set to work.  Busy during the week working, drinking and going out with old friends at the weekend but something was missing.  They had all “hooked up” in the meantime and I was often the fifth wheel at most gatherings.

They would try to hook me up, I even went on a couple of blind dates but i was at a loss what i needed.  Who would compare to Goddess Nula, who would taunt me like Maddie?  I was just a freak, a pervert in my mind.  It was all doom and gloom until one fateful night when i met someone that would both turn my life around and also put a major part of it on indefinite hold.  

We were out for pizza, again me and 3 couples when the waitress came over to take our order.  Now people talk about being hit by lightning when they meet their “soulmate”, i don’t believe that in the case of their being “the one” but when i looked up I was absolutely stunned by the woman there.  Her smile lit up the entire room, beautiful ginger red curls hung over her shoulders and shone in the lights.  I looked down on her red and white striped “italian” uniform with the name badge - Janey.

I was gobsmacked just looking at her, and it wasn’t until one of my mates hit me on the arm that I came too.

“Dude, close your mouth!”  He laughed. “She only wants your order, jeeze!”

Janey smiled down at me, and then chuckled.  “You want something sweetie, or are you happy just staring at me all night.”

The table erupted with laughter.  I blushed a deep red and felt a familiar arousal stir in my groin. 

“I-i-i-i’m sorry.  Umm, just a pepperoni pizza please.” I remember stammering, I didn’t even like pepperoni, i actually was looking at the pasta dishes but just panicked.

Janey smiled and jotted it down before leaning over and saying quietly. “It’s ok babe, I’m kinda flattered.  No-one’s looked at me in quite the same way before.  Kinda, rabbit in the headlights.”  

For the rest of the night I tried not to watch Janey as she served away but it was difficult, I could sense her moving around the room, I heard her infectious laughter as she joked with customers.  When she came to the table I was too terrified to talk to her, the rest of my friends joked with her, and even teased me a little whenever she came over.  She was always smiling.

We finished up and paid the bill before getting ready to leave. I desperately wanted to say something, to have the courage to ask Janey out but I knew I would never pluck it up.  I vowed instead to come back later that week and eat in again.  Maybe alone I would do better.  

My friends headed out the door and I took one glance back around to see her but she was gone, nowhere to be seen.  Suddenly from the doorway…

“Looking for me sweetie?”  Her voice made me jump and my heart skipped a beat.

I turned and found Janey in the doorway, as if she was waiting for me.

“U, u, u, um,” i stammered,  

Janey giggled.

“You’re cute, super shy but that’s fine.  Let’s assume you just asked me out and I said yes, ok?” She said.

I made what I can only recollect as my best fish out of water impression, pointlessly gulping for air.  I could see my friends outside in hysterics watching.

“Good, I’ll take that as a yes,” Janey said laughing.  She grabbed my hand and scribbled down an address.  “I have Thursday off, pick me up at 7:30?”  

She lent over and kissed me on the cheek, making my whole face blush an even brighter red than it already was.


“Super cute.” she said before walking off.  

“What the hell just happened?” I thought to myself.  I looked down at the address and frantically memorised it, I was worried the sweat would wash it off in seconds.

Boy did I get ribbed by my friends that night, but I didn’t care.  We drank, we danced and I had fun, knowing I had a date coming up.  Things were looking better after all.

That week I was a mess, didn’t know what to do with myself waiting for Thursday.  For some reason I really wanted this to go well.  I booked a really nice restaurant in town, and a table at a cocktail bar after.  Living at home saved me money, and the pay on my job was great so I wasn;t fussed about the cost.  I ended up turning up early at Janey’s house, about 30 mins early so I spent a while walking around to pass the time.  AT 7:30 sharp I rang the doorbell and heard Janey call, “Be a minute!” through the door.

5 minutes later (and with Janey I would learn she was never on time), she opened the door looking incredible.  Gone  was the red and white striped waitress uniform and also gone was my breath.  I again stood my mouth opening and closing making no sound, stunned by this beauty.

“That fish impression isn’t going to get old,” she chuckled.  “Come on, I’m eager to see what you have planned for us tonight!”

She grabbed a coat and pulled the door closed, before taking my hand and leading me off.  That night was amazing, I eventually found my voice, we chatted, we laughed and I pretty much fell in love right there and then.  Janey was chatty, friendly, open and I couldn't take my eyes off her.  When she smiled, the room would light up.  When she laughed, it was almost infectious as it just made you feel better.

I had a great night, after dinner a couple of really nice cocktails before walking Janey home.  We kissed passionately on her doorstep, my heart melted away and as she bode me goodnight I couldn’t have been happier.  

Janey and I saw each other a lot of the coming weeks. Her hours were a bit of a pain as she worked weekends, but we still made time.   Morning coffee dates, lunch breaks at weekends and the odd evening date when she had time off.  It was totally normal, no power plays, no kinks, no smutty lines.  It was….vanilla.

Now i feel some use vanilla as almost a derogatory term, as if a normal relationship is less valuable than a kinky one.  I don’t agree.  Vanilla is nice sometimes, and at this point in my life vanilla was what I thought I needed. 

Neither of us seemed in a rush with the relationship, it was nice just being together and getting to know each other, sure the kissing was super hot but I never felt comfortable pushing things too far and Janey came from quite a conservative family i found out.

After weeks Janey met my parents and they also fell in love with her.    It was impossible not too.  After a couple of months dating Janey finally broached the subject of intimacy with me.

“Baby, i wanted to talk you you about, well you know, things.”  She said as we sipped on a coffee at our favorite shop.  I had wondered why she had picked the furthest table from anyone and was talking so quietly I could barely hear.

“Things?” i said.  Then it dawned on me.  “Oh, things!”

“I’ve really liked the fact you haven’t push things too fast, I’ve had boys in the past who were way too eager to get in my pants.” She said looking around again to check the coast was clear.  “But baby, I have… you know… needs!”

“Oh,” I said, shocked.  I had been under the impression she hadn’t wanted to go any further so had been holding back.  

“Well, I was just trying to be respectful…”

“Baby, I love that but you gotta man up at some point. A girl needs to know she’s wanted.”

It was my turn to be blushing.  Being forward and meaning up wasn’t my forte.

“I do want you…” I muttered.  I felt crestfallen, I wasn't comfortable talking like this.

“Oh it’s ok baby, it wasn’t a criticism.  Look, forget most of what I said apart from that I am really looking forward to taking things further with you.”

I smiled and agreed, but inside a tight knot had formed in my stomach.  A familiar feeling of terror at being naked in front of a woman.  

Now one of things I had been doing by this point was trying to control my, um, quick release shall I say.  Some advice from men's mags and such to strengthen my muscles down there and some mental exercises to control my excitement.  Alone it seemed to work, so i guess it was time to try it in real life.  

At the end of that week the chance came about, we were chilling with a movie at my parents when they suddenly announced they were going away for the night.  Typical of my parents, totally last minute.  With a quick goodbye, and a cringe worthy  “don’t do anything we wouldn’t” from my father they left.  Leaving us snuggled up and alone for the night for maybe the first time.

At first we said nothing, but Janey’s hand was tracing its way up and down my knee, then my lower thing, then my upper thigh…..

I looked down and she grinned at me mischievously, and I couldn;t help but feel all my nerves drift away in that smile.  I lent in and kissed her passionately, my hands Gripping her sides.  She moaned, but when my hands didn;t move any more she grabbed one and pulled it up to her breasts putting it on there and groaning in delight as i squeezed them softly.  

Her hand dropped to my crotch and she gave my member a squeeze, it was rock hard already and she giggled.

“My my, someones a little excited already.” She said, breaking off the kiss.

She let go and pulled off her top, revealing a sexy black lace bra.  I instinctively lent forward and kissed her neck, before dropping my kisses further and further down until I was between her ample chest.  I knew my target, I had wanted it ever since I set eyes on her and after exploring her chest with my mouth I moved south.  

Janey’s pants were encouragement, she hitched up her hips and pulled down her jeans exploding matching panties and my ultimate prize.  Arousal flooded my senses again, just like in that room with Nula and I had to stop myself from chuckling with joy.  

I remember her moans of “oh baby,” as I got to her crotch area, and pulled the panties to one side.  Her pussy wasn’t shaved, but trimmed and her pubes were as beautifully red as the hair on her head.  I could see her arousal glistening in the light back at me, her lips wet.

The moans that came when I started pleasuring her was incredible, she placed a hand gently on my head as i went to work.  Slowly at first, working my way around before closing in on her clit.  Her moans grew louder and faster until she clenched a handful of hair and let our a guttural moan as she came.  It took some time for her to come down, i moved away from her clit but stayed worshiping her pussy.  Finally she pulled me up and looked me in the eyes almost thankfully.

“No one has ever done that to me baby, no one!  My god that was amazing! Thank you!”

I lent in for a kiss but she laughed and pushed my face away.

“I’m not kissing that!” she laughed, your face is covered!  

I didn’t know what to say, just got up and wiped my face clean on a tissue whilst she returned to the movie.  Janey’s hand returned to my crotch as she laid her head on my lap.  For the briefest moment i thought all my dreams would come true and I would get a blow job but she settled down and actually started watching the movie.  

Slowly, teasingly she played with my penis, never enough for it to cum, never enough for it to loose its erection. After what must have been 30 mins I groaned desperately and she glanced up at me.

“You not liking this?” she asked seriously.  “I can stop if you want?”

“Oh goodness no, please.”  I just need, well.”

“What, you expect me to put that thing in my mouth?  Ewww, that's gross baby.  I’m a good catholic girl you know, we don’t do things like that.”

She was grinning at that, and lowered her head to my cock.  She was so close, i could feel her breath.  Her hand sped up and down my little cock, i moaned in desperation.  So close, her mouth must have been like an inch when suddenly that feeling came over me.

“No, I’m going to cum i moaned,” horrified.  Janey sat up and smirked as cum spurted from the end of my cock and onto my belly.  She kept tugging until nothing else came out before chuckling.

“Good job i sat up,” she joked.  “Need another tissue?”

And so began the next two and a half years of my life.  I told myself Janey was who I was meant to be with, despite a niggle always in the back of my mind.  Did I love her?  Oh god yes, I still think back to those two and half years fondly and wish things would have turned out different but then i guess it was never meant to be.

I threw everything out that I once held dear that could have been construed as wrong.  Nula’s panties, the letter that just about bore her scent, Maddies stockings that I had licked so much of my own cum off.  I didn;t know it but this was the first of what is known as a purge.  

Now I will write about purges later when the time is right but the way I see it there are a few different types for sissies at least.  Shame purges are the most common and the most hurtful to all involved, there are forced purges (partner finds stuff) and there are fresh start purges. This was the latter, I was not ashamed of my old things, I just wanted them gone.  The problem with purges is they all end in regret in my opinion.

My downfall with Janey? Other women? No way, I was already batting WAY above my league.  Other men? No, not at that stage at least.  Drinking, drugs, money etc.  No.  

My downfall was her Panties.  




Continued in: My Krypronite


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