Grounded: I'm sorry for wetting my panties Daddy, I was a bad girl
Continued from Rebooting
We take a break from the timeline to jump to the here and now, dear readers. We will be back in my past in a couple of posts, promise.
“I'm sorry for wetting my panties Daddy, I was a bad girl”
Jan 1st, 2025 - somewhere on the way home…..
Urrg, come on! The traffic ground to a halt in front of me again as I drove home. I knew I should have stopped at the last services but I just wanted to get home. Christmas with the family was good, but boy was it long. I missed my bed, I missed dressing correctly, I missed my spankings! I just wanted to get back, text Daddy and get back into my routine.
My leg started to jiggle, an attempt to put off my bursting bladder even more. The traffic edged forward but then stopped again. I groaned again, both legs now trembling with the effort to hold back the wee threatening to erupt out of me.
Suddenly the traffic cleared and I was off the motorway - 5 minutes from my apartment! I gritted my teeth, groaning in desperation as I turned left, right, left to get to my block. The gate to the parking garage took forever to open, and the elevator even longer. Standing up and getting out of the car hadn’t helped, I was literally hopping from one foot to the next now, clutching my caged slitty as if pinching the end of a hose.
The elevator doors opened and I jumped inside, slamming the 4th floor button where my apartment was. However, as the doors closed and the lift jerked upwards I just couldn’t hold it in anymore. I groaned, and my sheer desperation overcame my will. A heavenly stream of pee escaped my clitty, relieving some of the pressure on my engorged bladder.i moaned, part in the humiliation of wetting myself, part in the sheer ecstasy of release. Warm liquid flooded the front of my panties, and my jeans made a large wet spot emerge at the front. I fought the urge to unleash all of my bladder right there and then I would flood the lift for sure and rushed from the lift and opened my front door but the damage was done.
A near 40 year old man, with no health issues just wet themselves, how humiliating! I rushed to the bathroom, my trembling hands trying to get my belt off as more pee escaped. When I pulled them down and sat on the toilet i didn’t even bother moving my pantied, there were soaked already. I just let rip and a stream of pee shot through the front.
It was so humiliating sending that text to Daddy to explain, some will say why did you tell but that's not how I work. I tell Daddy everything.
“Diaper training in 2025 is clearly needed, young lady,” Daddy texted back.
Daddy proceeded to send me images of what He liked. Sissy girl diapers, a locking leather belt to ensure no escape, and a fleecy onesie, ideally that could all be locked in place. It was all about layers. Multiple locked layers over my clitty making me helpless to do anything but hold or wet myself.
This is the account of my grounding and punishment for wetting myself.
1st Feb 2025
It took a while togatehr allthe things together Daddy wanted, diapers, locking belt belt (took the longers to arrive from china!), a custom onesie with locking zipper (I added a second locking system to it at Daddy’s request, and a lock box for the keys.
“Are you ready for your punishment young lacy, i am grounding you why?”
I couldn't remember, it had been a while. “Umm, I’m not sure Daddy, but I know I must deserve it.”
“For wetting your panties young lady! I am adding an additional hour to your time for that. Now, here’s what you are to do….”
Firstly I had to lay out the following items neatly on the floor: bath brush, wooden paddle, diaper, butt plug that would be comfortable for extended wear, locking chastity belt and new padlocks, lockable onesie and lock, and my lock box.
I sent the required image to Daddy and waited.
“Good, now take the paddle and bath brush, kneel in the discipline corner with the paddle on your right, and bathbrush on your left. Hands at your side. After that you are to give yourself 35 hard spanks to each cheek with both implement and return to the corner, same pose.
“Good, how do you feel?” Daddy asked.
Now Daddy is amazing at these little check in’s during play. I responded I was fine, that I was sorry and ready for the next step.
“Good. Now filming the nextpart you are to plug your bussy, use a generous amount of lube, put on your diaper and lock it in place with the chastity belt. Put the keys in the lock box for everyone to see.”
“Next, put on your onesie, lock it in place with both locks and put the keys in the lock box. Set the timer for 3 hours, young lady. Then report to your bedroom corner, arm at your side, feet together. You are grounded young lady, and are to stay that way for three hours, like it or not.”
I did as I was told of course, the video of me locking is here on my reddit profile, and below are some screen shots / photos of the process.
Locked, plugged and diapered for the next three hours. Your fate is sealed and you look adorable. There is just one more thing…” Daddy said, after getting the images.
One more? My mind raced, did I forget something, is there another layer i can add?
Lined paper and a pencil, preferably pink or red. Numbered lines from 1 to 100 saying “I’m sorry for wetting my panties Daddy, i was a bad girl.”
I sent Daddy a photo once I was set up at my little girls desk as I started. Looking down at me were images of Women I adored, Miss Sarah, looking cute in her pink dress, Mistress Carley and Cassandra together, Mandy in all her cuteness, Summer kneeling and Mistress Andrea. All looking down at me, watching me in my mind.
I started writing, it was sobering to be sat, diapered, plugged writing over and over again the same thing. The message was really hitting home.
Daddy texted me again. I told him my hand hurt, i was not used to writing.”
“Take a break and go to the corner, you may hug your unicorn and suck your thumb for a few minutes to recover.”
Oh the humiliation, the shame of it. Sent to the corner like that, but the weird thing was I was so aroused by that all, I just wanted to reach down and…..oh yeah, the thick padding of the diaper, and the locking onesie stopped any attempt to touch myself.
I stood in the corner, even knelt for a bit and sucked my thumb, something I have not done for over 35 years! I almost cried, it was so overwhelming the feelings i had, this next experience.
After a few minutes Daddy texted and I was to get back on with my lines. It took nearly two of the three hours all in all, it amazing how long it took! Every line I read out the line i was to write, making sure the message got home. I WAS a bad girl for wetting my panties, and I was sorry to Daddy.
Once complete I sent everything to Daddy and could only wait until my timer finished. I wish my little sister was there to support me, to be part of the process even remotely but hopefully in time she will join us. It would have been good to have her on the chat to support me whilst grounded.
Once the timer went off I got undressed and went about my evening as standard - or so I thought until I fell asleep and my subconscious ran riot. But that dream is for the next post.
Continued in: She’s not wet herself again, has she?….
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