Scamming sissies for Dummies
Continued from: Sissy Alice and the Three Key
This isn’t a particularly erotic episode, apologies for that. This is however another key step in my journey. Some might wonder, why post it, but I learnt a valuable lesson here and wanted to share it. If it helps one other avoid the issues I had then excellent.
I was in Seoul in mid December 2019, I remember the local guide pulling us to one side when someone came towards us, coughing badly.
"A nasty flu go round," he said in broken English. "You not get sick before going home, put on mask."
Fuck me, was he right about "a nasty flu!"
I was living in Belgium when covid hit, but travelling extensively with work, as well as visiting family back home up to the point we couldn't. I was on such a trip to the UK in Feb when Europe started to shut up shop.
We were barely back from the trip when the shutdowns came, and every reader I'm sure has their own tales of covid.
I was lucky in some ways, the family survived, could work from home easily and had ample toilet roll (oh the great toilet roll shortage of 2020!). What I didn't have however was company. Yes I had teams meeting and zoom calls with work, sure i could facetime my parents and sister and nieces and nephews but physical contact was zero. It's hard to even think back to it now - social bubbles, isolating, confined to your house! Total lockdown = it was bonkers.
Two things got me through it, firstly the range of excellent podcasts and tv series for whiling away the hours. There was an amazing podcast in the UK called Coronacast (a spin off from the award winning Brexitcast). I remember being out on a run, late April I think it was, they had eased the criteria so you could go out for exercise once a day thankfully and on the podcast there was a really deep discussion about mortality and facing your own death with a doctor from A&E at a UK Hospital. I just remember listening to this ER Doctors story and sitting on a bench, tears streaming from my eyes.
The shit first line responders went through, the danger they put themselves in against this unknown foe. Hero’s each and every one of them. It was too much all of a sudden, the whole loneliness consumed me and I sat there and sobbed on that bench for a while. Alone.
That was the difficult thing about the lockdown, and I vowed to look for a shared apartment as soon as I could after. The other thing that got me through was reading erotic literature. I buried myself in it and loved reading. I veered quickly towards Femdom, sissy, cross dressing stories, and cuckold males with hotwifes (sandra and stevie - what a series!)
I moved into a shared house with someone close to my age, seemed cool enough and it was great. Someone to share a meal with some nights, a beer or two at the weekend and such. “Jan” was good fun, we gave each other space when we needed it, and it just worked.
In 2022 I discovered reddit - yes yes I was SOOO late to the party, can’t remember much of the early days but it was there I learnt a painful lesson on scams, and being safe online. I had at least set up the account with an email specific to sissy slave malcom, and not my personal email address thankfully.
I really should have known better but I was naive, and horny. A dangerous combination.
So to the scam, and it's all so obvious now. It was late January 2023, I had only posted a few comments back then, mostly on femdom pics showing a gorgeous woman, stocking clad feet pointing to their feet inviting the viewer to worship. I was over the moon when one such Goddess actually messaged me back!
Goddess Katalin* she called herself (*name changed), She was from America somewhere and had amazing feet, although given it was scam they were probably ripped off someone else. Lovely red nails, and an amazing rose tattoo over the top of one foot. The conversation went completely according to the “how a fake Mistress can rip off desperate horny redditors 101” playbook. “How are you”, “what's your age/location”, “what are your kinks”, “have you served a goddess like me before”, “you know you need to show me dedication with actions” etc. It was slightly frustrating that alot of this was on my profile, but i repeated the answers none the less.
Then the next move is to get you off reddit and onto another platform. I think this is because reddit chats cannot be altered or edited, where by google chat, TG, snap etc the user can delete messages if they have things to hide. I moved to google chat.
She would Interlace the conversation with enough pic of her feet, herself in figure hugging sweaty work out gear, or the classic holding two fingers up and saying small cock pose to keep me wanting more - to keep the fish on the hook.
Anyway, I fell for it all - the need for tributes (amazon vouchers), sending pictures of me to her, moving onto paypal payments for the privilege of being “owned” by a Goddess. She really got her teeth into me. Why? Well i think that being lonely over covid, and having lacked a physical relationship for so long i jumped at the first chance to serve someone. To be told what to do,and in return I got “gifted” pictures and short videos of her feet and told to jerk off like the loser I was. My self esteem was pretty low, and with her proverbial foot on top of me she pushed me deeper into the ground.
I remember two events vividly, the first was the time I sent her a “starting” $50 tribute, it took me a while to sort as I needed to set up a different amazon account to buy US gift cards and she was so pushy. I was going into Antwerp for dinner with customers, it was february so was stressed (as it was raining and I needed to walk 20 mins to get to the restaurant) whilst being bombarded by messages every few moments asking “where is my fucking tribute slave?”, “Why is it taking so long, are you retarded or something”, and the one that really got to me, ”you are just fucking me around, I’m going to cut you off you little bitch! No more feet for you loser”.
I panicked, I needed her feet, her control, I needed someone to tell me how worthless i was. I finally got it sorted and sent the digital gift card to her, some random email address. Nothing, for nearly an hour nothing. It went from being bombarded to radio silence. I sent begging messages, pleading with her to forgive my lateness. Finally I got something back.
“Make it up to me bitch, prove you deserve to be my slave.” She demanded. “You have 5 mins before I am done with you for good. Do not contact me again whatever you do or else it will be over.”
I didn’t hesitate this time, panic and my perverse arousal in full control of my actions and sent another tribute, $75 this time. The card pleaded for forgiveness, and another chance to serve Goddess. Five minutes passed, and nothing, then 10 mins. Fifteen, twenty, then thirty passed with nothing. I was devastated - if I wasn't at a table with customers I might well have cried.
I had all but given up when my phone pinged, I looked down and a flutter went through my heart. A message from her. “I have decided to give you another chance, slave. Go to the toilet and text me when in a cubicle. Don’t keep me waiting, slave.”
I got up from the table immediately, my colleagues looking strangely at me as I had been off because of this all night. In the cubicle I texted back I was ready.
Moments later I got sent a short, 15 second video of her feet, gorgeous red nails in stockings rubbing against each other. I was rock hard perversely, apart from the humiliation of being so pathetic, part from still being in with a chance.
“Watch this video and jerk off, slave. I doubt you will need the whole 15 seconds but I am feeling generous. Send me a picture of your cummies in your hand or something. Amuse me with your pathetic load.”
Well I am ashamed to say I did exactly that, I jerked off so fast that I dread to think how long I actually needed - it was indeed seconds. The video hadn’t finished when i came….
Pitiful globs of my cummies pooled into my hand in moments, and I quickly took a picture of it next to my flaccid willy and sent it to her.
“Fucking pathetic slave, you are truely worthless! Now lick up your mess on video and send it to me, I’m off to spend your tribute. Later loser!” I really shouldn’t have sent that video, but you live and learn.
The second memory of my rather short five weeks with her was right at the end in the last days before I woke up and realised I was an idiot. Up to then i had sent weekly tributes of $75 just to be allowed to continue talking to her, and then twice a week I had a session with her (another $50) all to be told to put panties on, or tie myself up or something, ending in jerking off into my hand and licking up my mess, usually to a video or picture of her feet.
Anyway, she was pushing for more, more tributes, more sessions. Milking me for more money. I was in india on a work trip, i even remember where i was (and considering i did 12 flights in 6 days travelling round the country that's a damn miracle).
I was on the transfer bus at Hyderabad airport from the terminal to the plane when she messaged me. “Slave, what the fuck do i do. My key has got snapped in my car ignition and I’m fucking stuck!”
It was an odd message, but I was honoured she would reach out to me. I messaged back quickly “Oh no goddess, can someone fix it?”
“They can, but it’s going to cost $250! I don't have that sort of money this week! I’ve got to get to work, I’m going to lose my job if I don't get there.”
Now I hesitated here, this wasn’t my issue.
“I know you can’t help out slave, but I don’t know what to do. Here, a pic to say sorry for this, I shouldn’t have messaged. I will just have to get the bus, but I know I’m getting sacked 🙁” She messaged, along with a new picture of her in a particularly tight work out gear.
I looked at the image and madness came over me. I logged in and seconds later had transferred $250 dollars to her.
It took literal seconds before she texted back.
“Slave, I’m lost for words….”
I actually believe she was at this point, because the next text was not meant for me, for sure!
“OMG, he actually did it! 😂 $$$” pinged up, but it was rapidly deleted from the chat history.
“He’s fixing it, thank you slave! $$$ well spent, I won’t forget this!” she replaced the message with but for me the cat was out the bag. It came crashing down on me how fucking stupid i had been. The illusion was shattered.
I spent the flight summing up everything i had spent, and fucking hell what an idiot i had been. In a little over a month she has squeezed over a grand out of me.
Feeling like a prized idiot, I got off the plane and my phone pinged to life, message after message from Goddess asking where I was, why I had disappeared. I messaged back saying I had just landed but added nothing more.
I got a few more images, in “thanks” for helping out, but later that evening she tried to turn the screw more.
“Slave, time for your weekly tribute, I think it's time it increased to $125 per week, along with your session fee which you owe me for today’s images. Send it immediately via paypal slave.”
I just scoffed at the text, and remember saying “fuck off bitch” out loud before trowing my phone on the bed.
10 mins later. “Why do I not have my session fee slave! Send or else!”
I snapped. “Or else what! I sent you $250 today!!!! Sorry, but I’m done. This is a scam, I have been so stupid. I am not sending you another penny and want out.”
There was a long pause. I could see her typing, then it stopped, then she typed again.
Eventually she responded, and this is where it got nasty.
“Well, I’m a disappointed slave. I have done nothing but help you but hey ho - your choice. I have your name from paypal, your face, videos of you eating cum and god knows what else. You want out - fine. I require 1 month of tributes at the new fee AND a cancellation fee of $450. Then I will delete this all and let you go. If you don’t, I’m going to make sure every person you know finds out.”
Now the saving grace here was she didn’t have my face - the one time she asked for my image I had the whits about me to send a picture of a “random 35 year old man” from google. Any images of eating cum didn’t have my whole face in.
“I’m not sending you anymore money, just let me go! I can;t afford all that.”
“Not my problem, you should have thought of that before you gave me all the control slave. Now, we don’t have to do this. Pay the tribute and I will forget this little episode.”
I was panicking but had to stay firm. I shut down my facebook account, locked to every privacy setting i could find. Then my other social media. Deleted my paypal account, and shut my reddit account.
Finally I was left my google chat, and messaged back preparing for the worst.
“I’m not paying, you’re a scammer and I’m reporting this to the FBI!”
I got a laughing emoji back. “You have no name, no address and I never forced or blackmailed you before this time to give me money, slave. No, this is all on you. I am going to make you famous, every newspaper will know you and you will be on the front cover of every tabloid!”
Newspaper? Seriously? Was this 1990 or something? I assumed she would plaster social media with me, flood reddit but then i realised her reddit account was all but empty. No karma, no interactions, no followers. She had no twitter, no Insta, nothing. I reported the account on reddit with some evidence from screen shots.
“Slave, I will do it! I am so well known in the BDSM community you will never be able to show your face again! No Mistress will ever touch you again!”
I ignored the message. I took down the entire chat history and saved it. Sending her a link to the FBI cybercrimes division report and recovery area.
“Leave me alone or I do it.” I said. I felt like i had some power finally, the more i thought about it the less she had.
“It’s not to late to go back, just pay me the fucking tribute slave and we can go back to how it was! Things were good, sorry I raised the session fee. Lets stay at $75 for now.”
“Goodbye. I’m deleting this account, having taken screen shots of everything and reporting you to the FBI.”
I deleted the account before I could get a reply.
Nothing ever happened, and from what I know I am not a tabloid sensation. It was all bluff but it did teach me a valuable lesson on internet safety that I will never forget. God damn that was a close call.
Stay safe online peeps, there are alot of nasty m***** F****** out there!
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