Continued from: 20:17 Rebooting…. If it wasn’t for the support of my loving friends and family I dare say the breakup from Janey would have been biblically bad for me, I have no idea how deep I would have gone into self loathing after that. I kept busy the next few months but everything reminded me of better times, and I knew that the only way out of this was to go, flee this place and start afresh. A reboot was needed. It just so happened that my old alumni were pinging out emails of “whats going on at…” sort of thing when I noticed a post from one of my favourite Professors seeking new research students for PhD’s. Now I am sure this is everyone's experience at uni but there were good Professors, and bad ones. None of mine were that bad in teaching, no i mean bad as it total bung holes. We had this one professor that purposefully organised 8am lectures on a Friday morning knowing that the Eng Soc (engineering society) night out was on Thursday and always got messy. Mr Huntington,...